Tuesday 23 February 2010

Far left is the Table made by my Grandad, who sadly passed away Sept'09. On the day after Christmas (boxing day) my family and my brothers family and our mum and dad had our Christmas dinner around this table in my grandads house, prob for the last time before it gets sold.
And Above is Freda again in the rain! Putting her hands out to catch a rugby ball!!

Here is my youngest Blessing Freda who is nearly 4(March 5th) she is just so full of the Joy of the Lord. she gets called all sorts of things like 'Sunny Girl' and 'Squidge'(for her lovely hugs)And loves being photographed and given lots of attention by her big brothers. Taken January 2010

This is Jeremy, my third son. We were all in the van going out for his 10th birthday. The Older ones and his Grandad did the bowling for an hour, then we caught the train home as we all love going on the train. My dad(Jeremys Grandad) has a fascination for steam trains, but really we all kind of like them and get all nostalgic riding them.
This was 30th Jan 2010.


  1. Hi Anna! Thanks for posting a comment on my blog! If you look on my profile you will find my other blog which I post on much more often then 'thoughts of my heart'... what a lovely big table your grand dad built! :) I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. You have a lovely family!

    Mrs. White

  3. Hi Anna, Thank you for your lovely comments on my blogs, I really appreciate your loving sincerity.

    (I responded to your question about the cake on my own homeschool blog.)

  4. Thanks again for the comment on my blog! Congrats on your 6th pregnancy! I do read the Above Rubies, and even voluntered there a few years ago. :) God bless!
